Itchy, red, watery eyes? Runny nose? Yep, you may be suffering from allergies.

When you have allergies, you may be sensitive to a variety of common substances, such as pollen, mold, animal dander, or dust. Seasonal allergies, often referred to as “hay fever,” are caused by reactions to types of pollen found in trees, grass, flowers, and weeds. When exposed to any of these pollens, an allergy sufferer may experience sneezing and runny nose (allergic rhinitis), itchy or watery eyes (allergic conjunctivitis), itching of the skin, or hives. Allergy medicines aim to prevent or relieve many of these symptoms.

Allergy Treatments

There are several types of over-the-counter (OTC) allergy medicines to choose from depending on the type, timing, and severity of your symptoms, as well as your personal treatment needs and preferences: antihistamines, corticosteroids, decongestants, mast cell stabilizers, combinations, and homeopathics.



Antihistamines work by blocking the histamines that cause allergic symptoms. These medicines are often used to treat seasonal or year-round nasal and eye allergies and they are found in the form of oral pills, tabs or liquids, eye drops, nasal sprays, and topical creams and ointments.

Additional Information
Other examples of OTC antihistamines:
  • Chlor-Trimeton® Allergy, Allerest® Allery & Sinus Relief
    Contains the active ingredient
  • Opcon-A® (eye drops), Naphcon A® (eye drops), VISINE® Multi-Action Eye Allergy Relief (eye drops)
    Contains the active ingredient Pheniramine
  • Store brands (ex. Walmart's “Equate” store brand or CVS Health's store brand)
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These medicines aim to reduce allergic symptoms including inflammation and swelling which can cause a stuffy, runny, and itchy nose. OTC corticosteroids are mostly found in the form of nasal sprays, topical creams, and ointments. These nasal sprays can be indicated for seasonal or year-round nasal and ocular allergies. There are also creams and ointments that are used to relieve skin itchiness and stop the spread of rashes.

Note that corticosteroids are not the same as anabolic steroids.

Additional Information
Other examples of OTC corticosteroids:
  • Cortaid® Maximum Strength Cream, Preparation H® Anti-itch Cream, Tucks® Anti-Itch Ointment
    Contains the active ingredient Hydrocortisone
  • Store brands (ex. Walmart's “Equate” store brand or CVS Health's store brand)
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These medicines reduce nasal and sinus stuffiness by shrinking swollen membranes, which can be a common symptom of allergies. OTC decongestants are found in the form of pills, liquids, inhalants, nasal sprays, and drops. Decongestants are often also combined with other OTC allergy treatment ingredients in combination products.

Additional Information
Other examples of OTC Decongestants:
  • Mucinex® Sinus-Max, Neo-Synephrine Nasal Spray, Dimetapp® Cold & Allergy
    Contains the active ingredient Phenylephrine
  • Sudafed® Sinus Congestion 12 Hour, Allegra-D®, Claritin-D®
    Contains active ingredient Pseudoephedrine*
  • Store brands (ex. Walmart's “Equate” store brand or CVS Health's store brand)

*Decongestants or combination medications containing pseudoephedrine are located behind the pharmacy counter.

Safe Use Tips

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Safety Tips for 


Allergy symptoms can be severe. If you have rapid or difficult breathing, or if you are wheezing, seek medical attention immediately or call 911.

Always read the Drug Facts label carefully. The label tells you everything you need to know about the medicine, including the ingredients, what you are supposed to use it for, how much you should take, and when you should not take the product.

  • Some oral allergy medicines contain more than one active ingredient to treat additional symptoms, such as nasal congestion and headache. You should only treat the symptoms you have.
  • Oral allergy medicines may react with certain prescription medicines. Speak with your healthcare provider before using an allergy medicine if you are taking tranquilizers or sedatives.
  • Never use any allergy medicine to sedate or make a child sleepy.
  • Some OTC oral allergy medicines are available in different dosage strengths. Read the Drug Facts label carefully for appropriate child dosing information and contact a healthcare provider as directed.
  • Ask a healthcare provider before use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Homeopathic Products

Homeopathic allergy care products are derived from plants, minerals, and animal substances that are known for their pharmacological or biological actions. For safety, read all instructions and warnings on the product label before taking any homeopathic product and follow all dosing instructions. Please be aware that products labeled as homeopathic and currently marketed in the U.S. have not been reviewed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for safety and effectiveness to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent or mitigate any diseases or conditions.

OTC homeopathic allergy medicines include:

Cough, Cold & Flu
Oral Health